Xamarin – Build on iOS from Windows Command Prompt/MSBuild

A quick post to describe how to build a Xamarin iOS project from MSBuild on a Windows machine. You still need a mac available but this approach means you can create an iOS artefact from a Windows TFS build agent.

On the command line run:

msbuild YourProject.sln /p:Configuration=AppStore;Platform=iPhone /p:ServerAddress=MacIpAddress /p:ServerUser=MacLogin /p:ServerPassword=MacPassword

When this is running keep an eye on the mac as it might pop up a message box or two on the first run.

After the script completes you should have a new IPA file in the bin\iPhone\Ad-Hoc directory of your iOS project on the Windows machine.


Xamarin – Build on iOS from Windows Command Prompt/MSBuild

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